Hanappe Ranch 

Angus quarters

price based on $6/pound hanging weight (includes standard processing)

Typical Angus Quarter

4#, 2 shanks

3#, 1 crosscut short ribs

2-5#, 1-2 arm roasts

5-10#, 2-3 chuck roasts

3-5#, about 6 sirloin tip steaks OR 1 roast

3-6#, 4-5 ribeye steaks

3-5#, 4-5 T-bone steaks

2-5.5#, 4-6 sirloin steaks

2-4#, about 3 round steaks

2-4#, 1-2 rump roasts

2 packages steak tips, about 1.5#

2-6#, 1/2 brisket

40-80# ground beef







Standard processing

shanks, short ribs

3# roasts (chuck, arm, rump, tip)

1.5” thick bone-in rib steaks

3/4” thick steaks: round, tip

1” thick steaks: T-Bone, Sirloin

1# packages of ground beef

additional processing

burger patties, additional $1.30/#

round steak tenderizing $1.00/#

Odenthal Meats Smoked products, prices vary

Quarter add-ons from Hanappe ranch:

Hotdogs $7.50/package

Summer sausage $7.50/package

Hotdogs $55/case

Summer sausage $55/case

American Wagyu quarters

price based on $8.75/pound hanging weight (includes standard processing)

Typical Angus american wagyu quarter

4#, 2 shanks

3#, 1 crosscut short ribs

2-5#, 1-2 arm roasts

5-10#, 2-3 chuck roasts

3-5#, about 6 sirloin tip steaks OR 1 roast

3-6#, 4-5 ribeye steaks

3-5#, 4-5 T-bone steaks

2-5.5#, 4-6 sirloin steaks

2-4#, about 3 round steaks

2-4#, 1-2 rump roasts

2 packages steak tips, about 1.5#

2-6#, 1/2 brisket

40-80# ground beef







Standard processing

shanks, short ribs

3# roasts (chuck, arm, rump, tip)

1.5” thick bone-in rib steaks

3/4” thick steaks: round, tip

1” thick steaks: T-Bone, Sirloin

1# packages of ground beef

additional processing

burger patties, additional $1.30/#

round steak tenderizing $1.00/#

Odenthal Meats Smoked products, prices vary

Quarter add-ons from Hanappe ranch:

Hotdogs $7.50/package

Summer sausage $7.50/package

Hotdogs $55/case

Summer sausage $55/case

Wagyu Quarter Packages

Price based on $11.50/pound hanging weight

Standard processing

shanks, short ribs

3# roasts (chuck, arm, rump, tip)

1.5” thick bone-in rib steaks

3/4” thick steaks: round, tip

1” thick steaks: T-Bone, Sirloin

1# packages of ground beef

additional processing

burger patties, additional $1.30/#

round steak tenderizing $1.00/#

Odenthal Meats Smoked products, prices vary

Quarter add-ons from Hanappe ranch:

Hotdogs $7.50/package

Summer sausage $7.50/package

Hotdogs $55/case

Summer sausage $55/case

typical Wagyu Quarter

Typical Angus american wagyu quarter

4#, 2 shanks

3#, 1 crosscut short ribs

2-5#, 1-2 arm roasts

5-10#, 2-3 chuck roasts

3-5#, about 6 sirloin tip steaks OR 1 roast

3-6#, 4-5 ribeye steaks

3-5#, 4-5 T-bone steaks

2-5.5#, 4-6 sirloin steaks

2-4#, about 3 round steaks

2-4#, 1-2 rump roasts

2 packages steak tips, about 1.5#

2-6#, 1/2 brisket

40-80# ground beef





